c. Fiction (White Fang by Jack London) ... Montana has made killing wolves easier. ‘Canis Lupis‘ is Latin for Gray Wolf, which is the most common. © 2021 The Fact Site | All Rights Reserved | Sitemap, The Fact Site requires you to enable Javascript to browse our website, 30 Fun Facts About Stewie Griffin | Family Guy, 12 Captivating Facts About Corgis That You Should Know, 1000 Random & Interesting Facts About Literally Everything, 100 Facts About Cats That You Should Read Right Meow, 35 Interesting Facts About Dwayne Johnson, May 14: Facts & Historical Events On This Day. Wolves have friends. Thanks to its isolation, the arctic wolf is not threatened by hunting and habitat destruction like its southern relatives. The gestation period for the pregnant female is from 53 to 61 days. The Fact Site is the number one source for the most interesting & random facts about animals, celebrities, food, films, games & so much more. This link take you away from the Fun Kids website. Arctic wolves mainly inhabit Northern Canada and Alaska, parts of Greenland and Iceland and Northern Europe. Let’s start with only eating old, sick, or weak animals. From the Tudors to rocks to fish, we have all the best facts right here! In Roman mythology, Romulus and Remus were raised by wolves. The Arctic wolf (Canis lupus arctos) is a subspecies of the gray wolf (Canis lupus). Wolves have large feet, the average being 4 inches wide by 5 inches long. Other arctic wolves occasionally pose a threat when rival packs kill during a fight for food, territory or mating rights. There are numerous Canadian / Siberian Grays that have been over 200 lbs. The ‘Canis Simensis‘ (Ethiopian Wolf) lives in Africa. In Amerindian cultures, the wolf is seen as a pathfinder and a great teacher. Wolves are the largest members of the dog family. Arctic wolves are generally safe from predators because they live in harsh conditions in which few other mammals can survive, but sometimes polar bears prey on them. It is believed that the Red Wolf (also known in Latin as ‘Canis Rufus‘) is to be a cross-breed of Gray Wolf and coyote. The people that came upon them talked about watching cows die that were still alive and there was nothing they could do. Some hunters are pushing back. The Arctic wolf is well adapted to living in cold environments. The there’s the sport killing of over 200 sheep in Dillon Montana. The fearsome werewolf legend has roots in ancient Greece, where after being insulted, Zeus turned King Lycaon of Arcadia into a wolf. Read on for more all about wolves. We’ve searched high and low for this list of the top thirty most interesting facts about the dog family’s largest members, wolves. They also had some animals that we still see today like sheep, wolves, hyena, hippopotamus and wild boars. With all this in mind, here are three fun facts for Edwards as he brushes up on his knowledge of the Timberwolves’ new governor. Zoe AdamsZoe Adams is professional blogger and freelance writer with five short story acceptances, with multiple companies. To communicate dominance, they carry their tails high and stand tall. None of the sheep were eaten. They have fur on the paws to insulate them from snow and ice and also provide for a better grip on slippery surfaces. Quick Facts about Wolves for Kids. And this factoid is true—petting a puppy can cause your blood pressure to … From Wolf Country on mating b. a. The largest wolves inhabit Canada, Alaska, and the Soviet Union, where they can reach 175 pounds. A wolf can eat up to 9kg on one meal alone. We’ve searched high and low for this list of the top thirty most interesting facts about the dog family’s largest members, wolves. Arctic wolves, like all wolves, hunt in packs. Top 10 Facts. They can eat more than 9 kilograms (20 pounds) of meat at a time. “Twenty to forty percent of the packs contain at least two adult females produce two litters”. Here are some surprising facts about each of the 59 parks. Other facts. Their fur color varies from pure white or pure black to tan or gray. Wolves feature heavily in much pop-culture, such as: In Eastern Europe and the USA, wolves are being reintroduced into the wild and into research parks. Wolves use body language to convey the rules of the pack and rule number one says that the pack is made up of leaders and followers. A few years ago in Idaho an elk herd was found where over 60 cow elk had been killed because they were pregnant. Their shoulder heights vary from 63 to 79 centimeters (25 to 31 inches). By fall the pups are large enough to travel and hunt with the pack. In Norse mythology, however, the most feared and hated wolf was Fenrir, the eldest child of Loki. Their long muzzle ends with a hyper-sensitive nose, which is one hundred times better than a human’s. The main prey of the arctic wolf is musk oxen, and arctic hare, but they will also eat caribou, ptarmigan, lemmings, seals,nesting birds and even Arctic foxes. As a result their body temperature can stay warm enough even when it is bitter cold. Arctic wolves have two thick layers of fur. Fantasy fiction (The Sight by David Clement-Davies) Arctic wolves have almost completely white fur all year which allows them to blend into their snowy surroundings. ... Because dogs are descendants of wolves whose instincts include hunting smaller animals. arctic wolves are so cool that they can withstand sub-zero and up to 5 mouths with absolute darkness a year. Arctic wolves live in packs of just a couple members to about twenty. The Arctic wolf's habitat is the Arctic tundra where the wolf lives in peace due to the isolation of the area from humans. The wolf has 2 types of hair, “Guards and “Undercoat”. Random fun facts are great for breaking the ice, impressing a date, and winning a pub quiz. The strongest male and female pairing lead the pack and are known as alphas. If you love these animals, you love these 30 interesting facts! As is the case with most species of wolves, only the alpha male and the beta female will be allowed to mate. In fact, the arctic wolf is the only sub-species of wolf that is not threatened. h. Television (in Game of Thrones, Dire Wolves are the sigil of House Stark). Living in the Arctic Circle, the Arctic wolf spends five out of twelve months in total darkness. They chase ALL of them into the water. The mother gives birth to 2 or 3 pups in late May to early June. The wolves moved from one to another killing them for fun. Arctic wolves can travel at approximately 8 kilometers (5 miles per hour) for long periods of time while hunting or traveling within their territory. Arctic wolves range from 1 to 1.8 meters (40 to 70 inches) in length including tail. A wolf’s howl is a method of communication that is the loudest when in harmony with others. You will learn something about everything! There is a highly complex social order within wolf packs and each pack has a dominant male and female. Alpha wolf is the leader of a group or family. Less dominant wolves exhibit submissive behavior by holding their tails down and often lower their bodies while pawing at the higher-ranking wolves. Wolves generally prefer larger prey such as deer but will settle for something smaller, such as rabbits. If you love these animals, you love these 30 interesting facts! This was great information for an assignment for overall general wolves! The entire pack is expected to assist in childbearing. They are known to travel as far as 12 miles (20 kilometers) per day. Due to the Arctics permafrost soil and the difficulty it poses for digging dens, Arctic Wolves often use rock outcroppings, caves or even shallow depressions as dens instead. That’s cherry picking a specific species. This includes the bones, fur, and meat. Wolves are the largest members of the dog family. They weigh from 45 to 70 kilogram (100 to 155 pounds). Fun Facts About All 59 U.S. National Parks. The smallest wolves live in the Middle East, where they may weigh only 30 pounds. One of the heaviest wolves on record weighed 130lbs. [5] Wolves howl to contact separated members of their group, to rally the group before hunting, or to warn rival wolf packs to keep away.Lone wolves will howl to attract mates or just because they are alone. The Arctic wolf’s habitat is the Arctic tundra where the wolf lives in peace due to the isolation of the area from humans. You can find all sorts of research and fun facts about dogs and the health benefits of having one. There are several videos you can find of a pack chasing elk into a small lake, then surrounding it so the only way out is through them. The lifespan of the Arctic wolf is from 7 to 10 years in the wild and up to 20 years in the captivity. It was foretold that Fenrir would kill Odin, and so he was bound by the Gods. One of the only behavioral differences between arctic wolves and other grey wolves is a lack of fear towards humans. There is so much misinformation out there these days, and people only read what they want to hear rather than dig for the truth. Arctic wolves have keen senses of sight, hearing, and smell. The dominant male and female are in charge of the pack. The pack has a complex social hierarchy maintained through a variety of vocalizations, body postures, and scent marking. The snow was too deep for the cows to effectively run away. As usual, there are a number of errors in this article. A wolf’s hearing is twenty times better than a human’s. Did you know that a wolf can hear 20 times better than a human being can? Some people believe that they suffer from lycanthropy – the belief that they can turn into wolves. All wolves … The wolves pulled the cows down, tore out the fetus with the cow still alive, ate half of it and moved on to the next cow., repeating the same thing. Fairy tales (the Big Bad Wolf) The wolf has extremely powerful jaws. A wolf pack may spend 8-10 hours a day on the move and may cover 65 kilometers (40 miles) a day during winter hunts. f. Manga (in Bleach, Sajin Komamura has the head of a wolf) g. Music (metal band Metallica have a song ‘Of Wolf and Man,’ which features werewolf related lyrics) They first layer helps to form a waterproof barrier for the skin. A low density of prey in the Arctic requires these wolves to have territories of well over 2,600 square kilometers (1,000 square miles). To help reduce heat loss, they have more-rounded and shorter ears, a shorter muzzle and shorter legs than other gray wolf subspecies. The Arctic wolf (Canis lupus arctos) is a subspecies of the gray wolf (Canis lupus). Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. The domestic dog (known in Latin as ‘Canis Familiaris‘) shares many wolf traits. Female wolves live in underground dens for the spring to birth and feed their blind and deaf pups. Thank you! Packs of wolves don't like to stay in one place. 1. Arctic wolf has strong jaws filled with 42 sharp teeth designed to tear flesh and crush bones. Examples and Fun Facts, we recommend you visit our Facts about the animal kingdom category. 8. Their thick fur helps them survive the bitter climates. The largest wolf on record is not 130 lbs. Cubs bond with their families when they are babiesand keep these bonds until they are old enough to make their own families. The Arctic wolf was first described as a distinct subspecies by British zoologist R. I. Pocock in 1935, after having examined a single skull from Melville Island. They also learned how to survive on fat stored in the body instead of needing food as often as other species of wolves do. d. Film (Alpha and Omega) Wolves are estimated to live up to 13 years old. But there's you don't have to have a use for this little tidbits of mind-blowing information to make knowing them worthwhile. ‘Canis Lupis‘ is Latin for Gray Wolf, which is the most common. e. Games (Cloud Strife of Final Fantasy VII has a silver wolf motif) While it seems logical that predators are usually bigger than their prey, some carnivores like lions, wolves, piranhas and ants are social predators that team up to bring down larger animals. The outer layer actually gets thicker as the winter months come along. Wolves have 42 teeth and rounded ears. Many species have become extinct, while many remain in a vulnerable state. Youngest member of the 40-40 club After 3-6 weeks, the pups usually leave the den and begin to investigate their surroundings, staying close to the safety of the den. A single wolf howl can be heard up to 6 miles (10 km). A single wolf can be up to 5ft in length, standing at 3ft. All the wolves in a pack help take care of the pups and each other. Arctic wolves mainly inhabit Northern Canada and Alaska, parts of Greenland and Iceland and Northern Europe. Her latest achievement was graduating for a BA (Hons) in Professional Writing. This website helped with my school project. Wolves hunt in packs by stalking and attacking old, sick, or weak animals. Plus the majority of them were hamstrung by the wolf pack. A single wolf can travel up to 124 miles (200 km) in 24 hours. They don’t single out a particular animal to do this to.