Sylvia Boorstein, Ph.D., is … Here is an excerpt from the introduction: "When I initially conceived if this book, I envisioned a conventional self-help format in which the Dalai Lama would present cl. After being in print for ten years, this book has touched countless lives and uplifted spirits around the world. Discover (and save!) There are no discussion topics on this book yet. Through conversations, stories, and meditations, the Dalai Lama shows us how to defeat day-to-day anxiety, insecurity, anger, and discouragement. This work comprises three lengthy letters which have survived in his own hand, along with the later interpretations and interpolations of Lucretius and the introduction and commentary of the modern translator. Currently Reading. That's the problem with amplification, there can be a lot of distortion (which can sound really cool if your Jimi Hendrix, otherwise not so much). “A disciplined mind leads to happiness, and an undisciplined mind leads to suffering.” ― Dalai Lama … This does not mean it is a scholarly text, it's an easy read. It is highly compatible with modern findings of psychology, specially in the realm of CBT. Self-created Suffering. The Art of Happiness is not just a mere checklist of some suggested methods to which one should adhere in order to attain happiness. Through conversations, stories, and meditations, the Dalai Lama shows us how to defeat day-to-day anxiety, insecurity, anger, and discouragement. Writing it as if it was a "team effort" between him and the Dalai Lama was off-putting to me, because that's just not what I was looking for out of this book. I'll elaborate on this below. Epicurus (Greek: Ἐπίκουρος, Epikouros, "upon youth"; Samos, 341 BCE – Athens, 270 BCE; 72 years) was an ancient Greek philosopher and the founder of the school of philosophy called Epicureanism. Stoicism and the Art of Happiness by Donald J. Robertson Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Happiness is one of the most sought after blessings in life - the greatest measure of success. The more I read about him, the more I'm in awe of him. The rest of physics and mathematics are completely useless to us, according to him. The Art of Happiness is a 1998 self-help novel written by the Dalai Lama as interpreted by Howard C. Cutler, a doctor who worked closely with him.Split into three parts, it offers the Dalai Lama’s general thoughts on the purpose of life, the necessity for human warmth and compassion, and the usefulness of suffering in improving human ordeals over time. “But it’s not fair!” With regards to our behavior in the face of suffering, the … We’d love your help. Done in an enjoyable format of back-and-forth conversations between Dr. Cutler and the the Dalai Lama, I was able to fully immerse myself into the heart of their talks, feeling as though I were right there listening the whole time. The author is a headshrinker hoping to, well, shrink his discussions with the Lama into a practical program (think dollars and sense) for achieving the nebulous state of “happiness.”, "Human emotions are very powerful and sometimes overwhelm us. The problem is not so much what the Big D has to say, but the doctor guy's interpretation or amplification. Epicurus seems to have been a prolific writer whose work has mainly been lost, but whose philosophy was preserved by the school which followed him. ), I love the Dalai Lama and everything he says in this book. Epicurus simply aims to attain a peace of mind. Deep thinkers only! His pragmatic, logical, and yet also spiritual approach to everything. It has enough information to open your eyes, but not too much to scare you away. I was underwhelmed. For example, when we feel anger or hatred, we may think, “Yes, now anger is bringing me more energy, more decisiveness, swifter reactions.” However, when you look closely, you can see the energy brought about by negative emotions is essentially blind. The "Zen" of doing anything is doing it with a particular state of mind that brings the experience of enlightenment - and through that experience, happiness. I'm not sure how it initially started but I've always been fascinated by the Dalai Lama of Tibet. It's found on the second page of the Preface. The Art of Happiness contains excerpts from all of Epicurus' extant writings, from ethics to metaphysics and back. Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account. How can this be justified? Try. He's tried to answer it before, but he's never had the help of a psychiatrist to get the message across in a context we can easily understand. Was that ever really a question though? This is one of those few books that I find myself re-opening from time to time. Can't say I disagree with anything as presented by Epicurus. The Art of Happiness is a book by the 14th Dalai Lama and Howard Cutler, a psychiatrist who posed questions to the Dalai Lama. And how do we distinguish that sort of happiness from the real deal? Epicurus was a thoughtful and deep writer, and the translation here is excellent. Let us know what’s wrong with this preview of, Published Hello, Sign in. (Cutler is the Western psychiatrist who interviewed the Dalai Lama and put the book together). It made me realize how much society corrupts people's values. The conviction “I must do something” can give you a powerful sense of purpose.