On August 12, 1985, a Boeing 747 plane that was operating this route crashed at Osutaka Ridge near Mount Osutaka, killing 520 people. On July 28, Austria-Hungary did indeed wage war on Serbia, and the fragile peace between the great powers of Europe collapsed. When he had his first steps in the nightlife world, Schrager started his first nightclub with an initial capital of $27,000. Che Guevara has been a subject of a number of films and books. The 12th of March was the central date of the February Revolution in 1917. The leader of the Third Reich was asleep when the invasion of Normandy began at 6:30 AM because he had been up until 3:00 AM to entertain guests such as Joseph Goebbels at his home in the Alps. What started as a slow stream of party people into an unlit bar quickly transformed into a flood of newcomers as more and more celebrities swarmed to the building. Beyond her mounted entry and her birthday festivities, the star also donned an outrageous outfit for one evening out. The Renaissance period is well-known for its revival of interest in the cultures of ancient Greece and Rome. Silky hair and an air of elegance completed her outfit. "I'll be happy to read in the papers that you are still supporting the club." At 11:48 pm EDT, nearly an hour after Armstrong set foot on the moon, then-president of the United States, Richard Nixon, spoke to the two men through the radio in the oval office. However, Freud did receive the Goethe prize - given in the honor of the German poet, Goethe - in 1930. He scrambled to pick up the fluttering bills before they disappeared into the busy crowd. The longest-serving UK prime minister since 1945 was Margaret Thatcher, who served between 1979 and 1990. There were little reports of injuries since the blast occurred in a remote area. There have been numerous theories about the cause of the explosion, but the most widely-accepted one is that it was caused by a massive meteor or asteroid. Apparently, that didn't stop the place from holding more epic parties until the very end. As if debauchery and dancing weren’t enough, Studio 54 always managed to take things one step further. Other countries that lost citizens during this disaster include Finland, the United Kingdom, Switzerland, and France. He had a personal fortune that was worth around 444 million in today's terms. The war lasted until 1918. Che’s great-great-great-great-grandfather was Patrick Lynch, an Irishman who moved to Argentina in the 1700s. Persson had such an incredible collection of photos that he went on to publish a book in 2015, aptly titled 'Studio 54'. Even though the revolutions happened in March and November, they are called the February and October Revolutions because Russia was using the old Julian calendar at the time. This was caused by a large 66-foot asteroid traveling at around 60,000-69,000 km/h. In what can only be called 'a very sweet anecdote', one of the greatest musicians of the 20th century put a fan's admiration before his own personal interest. What a time! It was ratified by Congress in 1791. While he's had his fair share of "casting," more often than not, the bouncers were the ones to do it most of the time. The Empire of Spain experienced its greatest prosperity during the 1800s when it was at its peak. It has gone down as one of the bloodiest encounters on record, waged between the combined military forces of France and Britain against those of Germany. … Spain was the most powerful global empire throughout the 1700s and 1800s. If a rubber room truly existed, we’ll leave it up to your imagination to think about what might have gone on in there. Mariners during the Age of Exploration calculated their latitude by using a cross-staff to measure the behavior of the sun at midday. 'The Starry Night' captures the night sky in an unusually colorful phase, depicting the inner conflict of the artist. However, as was the case in the 'Schenck Vs. the United States' ruling, there are limitations to free speech in the case of "clear and present danger". But Amundsen was not just recognized as the first person to explore both North and South Poles; he seized several other pioneering achievements. While some may have thought the gift was in poor taste, it was a Warhol original. The two men read from a plaque signed that said, "We came in peace for all mankind.". According to Haskell, the club was nearly empty when they arrived. He became a significant landowner in Rio de la Plata, which is now part of Argentina. As an alternative, the state put Capone on trial and found him guilty of tax evasion. Less than an hour before the doors officially opened, workers were still in the process of laying black flooring to create the necessary vibe of the club. While that made for some pretty wild sexual misadventures, it also made the club a safe haven for trans people. When asked for a reason for carrying out his daredevil act, Petit simply said "There is no why. Although the Soviet Union fought alongside the United States, there was a level of distrust between them and concerned about of Joseph Stalin and the rise of communism. Woodstock was a historic music festival that took place between August 15 and 18, 1969. From certain energy to a festive outfit, any random attribute could be enough to grant you access to the world’s most famous club. The tsunami, which hit India's southern coast, shifted thousands of tonnes of sand to uncover numerous relics such as sculptures in the ancient port city of Mahabalipuram. So trippy! Che Guevara was born on June 14, 1928, in Rosario, Argentina. Their numerous slaves eventually revolted and were ethnically cleansed in The Carib Expulsion of 1660, which wiped out the populace of Martinique almost entirely. The disease, which had not been recorded in the country for more than a century, was believed to have been reintroduced by foreign aid workers. Although Rubell and Schrager were arrested for selling alcohol without a license, their incredible legal representation managed to get them out of trouble. On August 6, 1965, Lyndon Johnson set the Voting Rights Act of 1965 in motion, which was a law eliminating the use of literacy tests as a voting prerequisite. These informal meetings would eventually develop into the Vienna Psychoanalytic Society. To celebrate the premiere of 'Grease', Studio 54 hired men to ride motorcycles through the crowd of patrons. Not only was it located in the most exciting city in the world, but it also featured a nightly guest list of the world’s most elite celebrities and cultural icons of the time. On the club’s opening night, Trump was one of the first people to arrive alongside his then-wife Ivana. launching a full-fledged military invasion of the islands. War did not happen immediately. By August 15, they had captured the city. There were arguments, protests, and a few interesting skirmishes between colonists and the local British army. To enhance the disco theme, the two owners revamped the inside of what was once an old television studio, transforming it into a light-filled ballroom perfect for dancing. Seldom, if ever, have two convicted felons been given such a sendoff. Due to the speed at which the sinking took place, only six of the 48 lifeboats were successfully launched. And it didn't stop with costumes, outrageous amounts of alcohol, and barnyard animals roaming the dancefloor. Before he made women across the world swoon on the silver screen, Richard Gere discoed his evenings away at the popular nightclub. The French Revolution was a time of social and political rebellion in France, which started in 1789 and was caused by the inequalities between the poor and the rich. The Troubled Life of Rockstar Kurt Cobain, The Secret Story Behind Some Of The Beatles’ Most Popular Songs. Extremely profitable harvests like sugar, tobacco, and cotton paved the birth of slave labor systems within plantations. Most jockeys are males. And apparently, so was the Rolling Stones' guitarist Keith Richards. The war for American independence erupted in 1775 and ended in 1783. Yasgur's reasoning about lending his farm for the event was fairly simple - he respected the concert-goers' desire for a shared, communal experience. The revolution in agriculture came about because of new techniques from better transport, and bigger farms. Richard Gere, Andy Warhol, Lorna Luft, David Brenner and Reggie Jackson (complete with fur coat and cowboy hat) brave the crush. Although Donald Trump now has an entirely different set of interests, sits in the Oval Office, over 40 years ago he was one of the first in line to engage in the party lifestyle at Studio 54. Fox411: Mark Fleischman re-opened the famous Studio 54 in 1981 and is now opening … Together, the two young girls danced their evenings away at the nightclub, far before they transformed into the beauty icons they are today. Nesta Robert Marley was born on February 6, 1945, in St. Anne Parish, Jamaica. Despite being filled with 7 million cubic feet of extremely flammable hydrogen gas, the Hindenburg still had a smoking room for its passengers. Women were considered omens of misfortune on boats. It's the only bar Stevie will be opening for quite some time. The 2010 Haiti earthquake was a magnitude 7.0 earthquake that struck Haiti on January 12, 2010. While many people were turned away, one four-legged patron was often allowed inside: a live horse. The Renaissance grew in Italy because of the abundant riches of the country. Japan Airlines Flight 123 was a scheduled domestic passenger flight from Tokyo's Haneda Airport to Osaka International Airport. He later became the 2nd president of the United States. They were more interested in settling than establishing trade with its inhabitants, so put little effort into creating alliances with the Natives. But that's exactly what this photo is. Heavy Russian losses during World War I contributed significantly to growing animosity during the year of the Russian Revolutions (1917). World War I was all about an irreconcilable rift that occurred between two major groups of countries in Europe. Although Rubell and Schrager poured their heart into their club, they never imagined that it would become as successful as it did. The front cover of the LP was designed by pop artists Peter Blake and Jann Haworth. President Nixon had actually prepared a speech in the event of a tragedy. Trust us, those sideburns aren’t doing you any favors. But no one documented that glorious moment in time like Swedish photographer, Hasse Persson. On this day, Allied forces invaded Normandy, marking the start of a historic crusade to liberate France (and the rest of Western Europe) from Nazi control. The 50th Academy Awards were the last time the famous Bob Hope would serve as a host. Contrary to popular belief, Woodstock did not start as a free concert. After her husband passed away, Sally visited Studio 54 while attempting to find some new purpose in life. In 1955, Che Guevara met the famous Cuban revolutionary Fidel Castro, and the two became firm friends, they both shared a strong leftist and anti-imperialist ideology. But if you’re the ultimate party destination every other night, how do you ensure that the wildest night of the year is truly special? "I will be happy if you all keep coming to Studio 54 while I am away," he said. She immediately fell in love with the club and visited it many times in the future, despite her old age. Bianca Jagger celebrated plenty of iconic nights at Studio 54. It was a known fact that the club's co-owner, Steve Rubell was gay.