Photographer: One... two... three! With Hilary Duff, Lalaine, Adam Lamberg, Jake Thomas. Sam McGuire: Honey, this is something Matt really wants to do, and I can get over being a little camera shy for one day. Sam McGuire: Really, Gordo? Matt McGuire: Couldn't they stay with us? Matt: You wouldn't understand. I was thinking since we can't go to the movie this weekend, we should go to Mount Rushmore mini golf. Okay? Larry Tudgeman: See, I like what I like, and I don't worry about what other people think. Gordo: Why on Earth would I participate in that? Miranda Sanchez: [yelling into Gordo's ear] Dwarflord! I was trying to identify a different emotion... not jealousy... Lizzie: [talking to her boyfriend, Ronnie on the phone] No, you hang up first, you first... [Miranda clicks the phone off and Lizzie says to Miranda]. Though, Ethan thought there was. Lizzie: I don't like alarms, they wake me up! Ethan's Stepmom: Uh, uh. Lizzie McGuire: Because we have peers, and they put pressure on us. [on a date at a science museum with a boy she's not interested in]. I'm ever so proud! She may never be a professional musician. Uh, we don't wanna get you in trouble. Miranda: [about Lizzie's sweater] That's not "Oops, I Did It Again", that's just "Oops"! David 'Gordo' Gordon: [about to eat the sandwich] Nah. Tell me! Larry Tudgeman: [trying to speak through clenched teeth] I got so sunburned, my teeth hurt. [hugs him]. Ethan: Lizzie, Lizzie, Lizzie. Ah, I miss the days when picture-in-picture was the pinnacle of TV technology. Matt McGuire: Yep. David 'Gordo' Gordon: But I like asking my parents for things. You can break the "status cow"! Lalaine Vergara-Paras (born June 3, 1987), known mononymously as Lalaine, is an American actress, singer-songwriter, and bassist.She is best known for her roles on the Disney Channel as Miranda Sanchez in Lizzie McGuire and Abby Ramirez in You Wish!, as well as portraying Kate in the 1999 remake of Annie. Again! David 'Gordo' Gordon: Fine, here it goes. Lizzie: His parents told me he's really cranky in the mornings. I think that the Diamondbacks are overrated, I mean, sure they have the best pitching money can buy, but other than that, they're a bunch of banjo hitters and journeymen. Where's my blend in? Miranda: Please, this is Matt! You know, just the right amount of reliability... Gordo: You want to take over the conversation? Miranda: Miniature golf? Gordo: I don't. Gordo: Well, if you don't do something quick, you're gonna be Mrs. Matt McGuire. You wanna know why? Lime gelatin mold? Images: Disney Channel; crazyrunaway, ineedthisforreactions, gifpeanutbutter, veromargan, blooderrin, mylifethroughlizziemcguire (2), mtv (2), icefire149, whatshouldglotzbachcallme, wolf-rayet, monksonthelam, babyyoure-notalone, pyns, your-reaction-gifs, spacecadet, 2ndhand-embarrassment, thisonesforthehistorybooks/tumblr. Lizzie McGuire: [as Matt in Lizzie's body] Oh, that's fine. It's imprinted what a klutz I am. It's really the only time I ever talk to them. You know, I think we all learned a lot from this. If I go out there, he'll think I'm a complete baboon. [Lizzie has just blurted out to her mother that she and Miranda want to go to the mall to buy their first bras. But memories last forever. Gordo: Quit your yappin'. Gordo: Bowling is fun, bowling is good, bowling will not make my fingers swell. Gordo: So did you really have a crush on me in the fourth grade? ...Seriously though, what kind of monster takes a Beanie Baby to a water park?!?! Animated Lizzie: This could be my big break. Larry Tudgeman: Yeah, that pudding sure was good. Duff explained: "I don't think… It's like Noah's Arc, but with fluorescent lighting. Dig: Maybe to you, Larry, but women in Eastern Africa would find you pale and oddly dressed. Gordo: I do live in a boring suburb where all the houses look alike and everyone's predictable, thank you. Jo McGuire: [to Lizzie] Honey, this is the third time you've changed this morning. Ethan Craft: Uhh, Tonni. Gordo: Mrs. McGuire, have we *ever* turned down a free meal? David 'Gordo' Gordon: And I'm Penelope Featherstone. Lizzie McGuire: This is so silly, isn't it? And I'm really, really, really pysched to announce to you our new class president. 'Cause I didn't. WOHOO! Gordo: What a day. I probably would've gone with Pittsburgh, but you know me. Lizzie McGuire: Are you like friends with my little brother now? Next, I'll be starring opposite Ben Affleck in Vesuvious 2. Matt McGuire: The man who'll direct us to star...! Aaaaaand as of 2009, that means something completely different. It is clear that what he has just said had no effect whatsoever. Miranda: Guess we can't talk to the new workin' Lizzie. Matt: Because there are four Matt's in my class. And their favorite food was "Good Bye!". Gordo: Two weeks. I'm the loser. Lizzie McGuire: No, not like that. Lizzie McGuire: Oh, well, we can hang here instead. Lizzie McGuire Quotes The comic misadventures of a girl enduring adolescence with her two best friends and dysfunctional family. Lizzie McGuire: What do you do when the person with the answers is the person with the problem? I want an A at something. Sam McGuire: [after a pipe in Matt's room bursts, he has to sleep in Lizzie's room] Well where do you expect him to sleep Lizzie; to curl up on the floor? Lizzie: Gordo, promise that we'll always stay close to each other, even in high school. Dig is my favorite sub, I should never have invited him to dinner. Gordo: Sorry I'm late, I was getting you guys some doughnuts. That's why I AM the fun dad! Lizzie McGuire: I start tomorrow. Ewan Keith: Who here actually knows any poems? Lizzie McGuire: I'm here babysitting too. Matt: [to Gordo] You are *way* too cool to be Lizzie's friend. Miranda Sanchez: We don't like him because he's tall! This is Steve, our director. I inherit everything. What happened to you guys? David 'Gordo' Gordon: Yeah. I love the smell of pop quizzes in the morning! After Lizzie McGuire, Hilary Duff had a difficult time breaking away from the character. David 'Gordo' Gordon: I like who I am. Larry Tudgeman: I always thought I was born in the wrong time period. They just look pretty cool. Dig: I mean, can you tell us something about Indonesia. ;) Welcome to my Lizzie McGuire blog dedicated to the greatest show to ever grace the Disney Channel. I care that I feel like my best friend is taking me for granted. Lizzie McGuire: Larry, you have all this knowledge, and you express yourself so well. [growls; Lizzie is grossed out]. Lizzie: I can't believe you're wearing that! Miranda Sanchez: She's not Lizzie right now! [Larry comes to the podium to hug her, but she runs off]. Kaaaate! That's for her eyelashes. Quotes Mr. Ethan's Stepmom: Which one was that again? Larry Tudgeman: You know what Kate, maybe people would like you more if you weren't so hostile all the time! Starting right now, you do everything I tell you! She was reluctant at first until Gordo and Miranda convinced her to do it but for their own reasons]. Miranda: [after Stan Jansen talks to Gordo] Gow did you do that? Gordo: [after Miranda receives a card from Matt] I think Matt's over Melina. [Lizzie wants Gordo to help her clean the janitor's closet so Kate will allow to play Vampira in the Hallowe'en Fright Night but he is very reluctant]. Lizzie McGuire: Oh, well, we can hang here instead. But I'm not. Tell me that I'm overreacting when the garbage builds up so high that it blocks out all the sunlight, and we freeze. I Want To Draw NSYNC." She's showing me how to be a better friend to Miranda, and she doesn't even know she's doing it! Lizzie McGuire: How can you say that, Gordo? Jo McGuire: Well, I'm from Wala Wala, Washington. Lizzie McGuire: Oh, no, I think it'll be fine. Ethan: Yo Frankie, how'd ya get outta the TV? David 'Gordo' Gordon: ...any group activity that forces others to be happy, is by nature evil. Jo McGuire: [after Lizzie gets off the phone] Nice of you to join us. David 'Gordo' Gordon: How about this: We smuggle you into Canada in the hole of a fishing boat. Claire Miller: I stepped on a stupid sea urchin. I'm just glad we're not doing anything that has to do with bras. Your date is a little underdressed. Gordo: No, I'm asking you to make a last-minute change in plans in advance. Lizzie McGuire: Gordo, you're smart, and you're funny, and a little weird sometimes. Gordo: Free? Were we ever so young? Jo McGuire: Why do you want to be called "M-Dogg?". Lizzie McGuire: A job? [Lizzie takes a pirouette in front of camera], Miranda: Cool. She never misses lunch. Lizzie: Of course not on the floor, there's room in the closet. Kate Sanders, Ethan Craft: [before the class photo] How is my hair? Gordo thinks that she is making too much of it]. Talk about pointless. WOHOO! Director: Have the stunt guy set up the harness. Am I? Larry Tudgeman: I know you think I started this, Kate, but don't flatter yourself. Hey! Aug 31, 2015 - Explore Megan McGuire's board "Lizzie McGuire", followed by 366 people on Pinterest. Fill in the blanks. Gordo: As little communication as possible. [they hug]. I have a dark side. Miranda Sanchez: [noticing Lizzie's/Matt's clothing] Lizzie! Now! Sam McGuire: Hey, what about me? The Lizzie McGuire Movie is a 2003 American teen comedy film released by Walt Disney Pictures on May 2, 2003. Jo McGuire: I'm Polish, Swedish, French, Swiss, German, Hungarian and all the countries with heavy food. Ethan Craft: Tonni, not my real dad. [Miranda opens it and screams. Matt: Well, Malina has the baseball card I want but she'll only give it to me if I meet her demands. Jo McGuire: My grandparents came here from Poland during World War II. Gordo: Well if you admit you're a hypocrite, then you're not a hypocrite. Lizzie McGuire: [animated] The cheerleading table is like the Oscars. Matt McGuire: This is a lame balloon animal. Lizzie McGuire premiered on the Disney Channel on January 12, 2001, following the premiere of Zenon: The Zequel, and ended on February 14, 2004, after a total of 65 episodes were produced and aired. Anything but this. Lizzie: Okay, Gordo, stop! Miranda Sanchez: And win "Best dressed"! Vesuvious explodes off the screen! But Lizzie and Miranda's parents refuse to let them go to the party as there would be no adults around (and Kate's cousin Amy (Haylie Duff) doesn't make good chaperone material). Gordo: [after seeing Lizzie holding her hand three feet over the ground] Let me guess. [after Lizzie and Miranda ask for Gordo's help to improve their Rat Pack style], David 'Gordo' Gordon: There were lots of songs called "Leave Me Alone." Matt McGuire: Na-ah. [drops it, picks up a plastic mace] Mace, good! Plus, I think I can swing for some free drinks for my friends. David 'Gordo' Gordon: He won this from none other than... the maid. none." Miranda Sanchez: [pushing Larry away] 2 feet! Miranda: You smell like a... a pine tree. Miranda: Woah! Gordo: Matt, what do you say we go upstairs and find you a clean shirt. Miranda: Yeah. Sam McGuire: Let's just say he's like a brother to me. Lizzie McGuire: Since when do you sing, Dad? Lizzie pokes him]. Matt McGuire: Uh, no. It'll be fun. I do make all these myself, so please re-blog, don't repost! the statue head: Hey you kids, cut that out! Lizzie: Miranda, you may be able to talk the talk, but you can't walk the walk. Gordo: This is not acting like we own the place. So why this Bar Mitzvah, and not a tattoo? If I don't fix this football, I'll get in trouble and my sister [stopped faking] who really didn't anything [continuing to wimper] will get in trouble and maybe you can trade me this football for that nice, new one? But the party goes horribly wrong and Lizzie … I think I will order a pizza. Lizzie McGuire: Well, you can do that somewhere else, like in the Sahara Desert? Lizzie McGuire! Gordo: It's gonna be the same sugar-coated, ain't-life-grand junior high school documentary that we've seen thousands of times before! Miranda: I know, I give such good advice. It's 5:30, rise and shine! [turns to Lizzie and Miranda, who are beyond surprised] Sorry, yet bad. Miranda Isabella Sanchez is a fictional character from the TV series Lizzie McGuire. The Lizzie McGuire quotes below allude to something or someone that entered the zeitgeist in the late ‘90s and early ‘00s. [Larry raises his hand], Gordo: "Beans, Beans, the Musical Fruit" doesn't count. Gordo: Because of adult situations, mild violence and brief nudity. Face it, I'm in charge here. I'll get that. Miranda: Oh. I'm drowning here! Oh, I'm sorry, I should say "Mirando". David 'Gordo' Gordon: And the old folks won't have anywhere to spend Christmas. Miranda Sanchez: Yeah? An entire ancient city destroyed by lava. All rights reserved. And I've selected some of my favorites. Huh? Mr. #Lizzie McGuire #Mordo #mg #Miranda and Gordo #my analysis #Gordo X Miranda #my ship . Matt McGuire: Something new, like stardom! Lizzie McGuire: We just don't want you to play "Dwarflord" anymore. Elizabeth Brooke "Lizzie" McGuire: Okay, Gordo, what's the plan? Gordo: Because there's nobody prettier than you, or more fun to be with. FPJ was the heartthrob to end all heartthrobs in the late '90s/early '00s. Lizzie: [voiceover] Only most of these people *don't* rock and I think they *should* change. And I still can't figure out how they do that thing with the lava. Miranda Sanchez: Fine! Hey mind if I call you "F"? Why does it have to be rated R? I'd like another partner, please. Wanna know why? Gordo: I love the mornings. That's... that's what they call me! Balogna roll-up? Jackson Meyers: Uh-uh, he's Mike Myers, the dry-cleaner. After tormenting (and eventually tolerating) Lizzie for three years, … I just told Ethan that I had to stay in here for a while. Lizzie McGuire: [as Matt in Lizzie's body] That's SIR Elton John! Lizzie: Besides, Gordo, since when do you care what other people do? Miranda Sanchez: We'll see you at the party, Gordo. Lizzie McGuire: If humiliating me were an Olympic event, my mother would take home the gold. He cheated it all straights and he cheated on his taxes! You look like Elton John! Miranda: [to Gordo] Everyone knows that you're the Tiger Woods of term papers. You're missing my point here. Gordo: Uh... Gordo. Melina Bianco: No, Matt. Notice anything. Lizzie: Dear Confused- I wish I could tell you what to do, but, I can't. 'Cause I'm all about the plan tonight. I'll be feasting in merriment at Castle Gordon tonight! [takes the picture. Lizzie McGuire: [to Miranda] See, here's the part that get me all confutious... Not that Gordo has a girlfriend - but that Gordo is somebody's boyfriend! Lizzie: Oh, sorry, let me fix it... [cracks the balloon] There, now it's extinct. David 'Gordo' Gordon: Well, how much are they? And I can be president of the moon. Now, I can't help you travel back in time, but I can recommend a television program: Look no further than Lizzie McGuire. Gordo: Believe me. Lizzie and Gordo are paired off and pick their occupations out of a fishbowl]. Lizzie McGuire: [hurt] Uh... the company? Where? All info was provided Larry Tudgeman at Lizzie McGuire Wiki Lawrence "Larry" Tudgeman, III (portrayed by Kyle J. Downes) is the stereotypical nerdy and unpopular student at Hillridge Junior High. Ok. Larry Tudgeman: I love it when you're angry! You buy into the whole tall guy thing. Bark like dogs! I mean, I'm decent looking. Miranda Sanchez: And they're using Lizzie for, for revenge. Miranda: Because that’s what normal people listen to. David 'Gordo' Gordon: Well, no one falls to the floor quite as gracefully as you. Just a casual reference to then-new show Survivor, NBD. I did it and I'd do it again. It's simply un-American! Lizzie McGuire: Hello! Just because I doubted her for one single second. say the advertisements and you can do that when you watch this Disney Channel family comedy, the most successful of their "Zoog Weekendz" shows. Matt: [behind the door] Mirror, mirror on the wall; who's the greatest actor of them all? Lizzie: I hate this!