Singularity and HB… Switzerland, The Partnership for Carbon Accounting Financials, Estimating and Reporting Avoided Emissions, Corporate Value Chain (Scope 3) Standard Online Course, Product Life Cycle Standard Online Course, Global Covenant of Mayors Online Training, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), Library of emission factors and other parameters with background documentation or technical references, HTML access to data. One requires data on the flow rate and composition of the HFC-23 exit streams. These factors are primarily from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Mandatory GHG Reporting Rule (40 CFR part 98) to calculate CO 2 emissions for combustion of fuel. Following the GHG Protocol, emissions are classified as either direct or indirect. Activity data, according to their physical origin, are taken from: • Fuel gauge meters’ records • Utility bills, e.g. To allow for credible and meaningful reporting locally and internationally, the Global Protocol for Community-Scale Greenhouse Gas Emission Inventories (the GPC Protocol) was developed. Policy makers use inventories to develop strategies and policies for emissions reductions and to track the progress of those policies. Introduction General 1. It categorizes emissions as direct sources (Scope 1), indirect sources (Scope 2) and other non-energy sources (Scope 3) as per the GHG protocol – an international standard for corporate GHG inventories. How do we select the most appropriate factors for our organization? Chemin Eugène-Rigot, 2B Scope 1, 2, 3 … Indirect emissions are those that result from activities of the operating company, but occur at sources owned by another company, such as electrical power consumption and LNG carrier and bunker vessels. Chemin Eugène-Rigot, 2B To get access to emissions and accounting data under the Kyoto Protocol. These tools are applicable to many industries and businesses regardless of sector. Scope 2 emissions are indirect GHG emissions associated with the purchase of electricity, steam, heat, or cooling. Our tools enable companies to develop comprehensive and reliable inventories of their GHG emissions. • EF (Emission factor) is the quantity of GHG emissions per every unit of activity data; • OF is Oxidation Factor in the combustion process; • GWP is Global Warming Potential (IPCC, 4AR): 1 for CO 2; 25 for CH 4 and 298 for N 2 O. These factors are primarily from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Mandatory GHG Reporting Rule (40 CFR part 98) to calculate CO 2 emissions for combustion of fuel. Emissions estimation methodologies provided in this document calculate emissions in units of tpy. These tools help countries and cities track progress toward their climate goals. Scope Description Example . Emissions are measured and estimated using the Greenhouse Gas Protocol and GWP from the IPCC Fifth Assessment report. To get access to emissions and accounting data under the Kyoto Protocol. The National Greenhouse Accounts (NGA) Factors provide methods that help companies and individuals estimate greenhouse gas emissions. extend upon the GHG Protocol to align more closely with EPA-specific GHG calculation methodologies and emission factors, and to support the Center’s GHG management tools and its Climate Leadership Awards initiative. For many transportation modes, N20 and CH4 emissions comprise a relatively small proportion of overall transportation related GHG emissions (-1-2 % combined). Calculating emissions is a multi-step process. This tool is currently available as a beta version. The tool also calculates any emissions reductions associated with the use of emissions control technologies. There are different resources for navigating GHG Protocol tools: Cross-sector tools: Applicable to many industries and businesses regardless of sector. Default Emission Factors for Composting ..... 2-12 Table 3-1. It is a joint product of the International Council of Forest and Paper Associations and the GHG Protocol. Many tools are accompanied by a PDF guidance document, which provides step-by-step guidance on the use of a tool and should be consulted first. GHG Protocol Initiative Team Janet Ranganathan World Resources Institute ... • CHAPTER 6: The guidance on choosing emission factors has been improved. Calculating emissions is a multi-step process. Scope 2 emissions are indirect emissions from the generation of purchased energy … The emissions calculation from either method can be adjusted to account for the export of carbon-bearing byproducts. Values for CH 4 and N 2 O are presented as CO 2 equivalents (CO 2 e) Using the correct emissions factors is essential for GHG calculation, but the selection, sourcing, allocation and management of factors presents a range of challenges. Only then should emissions be estimated. These factors are intended for quantifying emissions from purchased goods and services using the spend-based method defined in the Greenhouse Gas Protocol Technical Guidance for Calculating Scope 3 Emissions. Note: International emission factors for electricity use are no longer available from the GHGP website and can be purchased from the IEA. Apply emissions factors. Scope 1 includes all "direct" emissions from an organization, which includes company vehicles, fugitive emissions from manufacturing processes and fuel combustion onsite (such as burning gas to produce heat). Establish a purpose. Source: Greenhouse Gas Protocol, 2011. The factors are described below: CO2 emission factors for electricity and heat generation for world countries (in CO2 per kWh, 1990 to 2018). Emission Factors Currently Available Default Values for Methane Correction Factor and Biomass Yield ..... 3-5 Table 3-2. Maison de la Paix Note: Care should be taken to use emission factors consistent with each other for comparability of results - i.e. Emission Factors and Global Warming Potentials GE uses emission factors to determine the GHG emissions from a unit of activity data like fuel consumption. Word or excel download, Industry statistics, government publications, other LCA databases. GHG Protocol emissions scopes The GHG Protocol Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard classifies corporate GHG emissions into three ‘scopes’. Emissions are calculated using clinker: cement ratios and CaCO3: raw meal ratios. Quality – is information provided on data quality. The following is a summary of Sheridan’s 2016/2017 greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by source and Scope. An accurate and useful inventory can only be developed after careful attention to quality control issues and to the activity data required. The RAC tool calculates the HFC and PFC emissions from the manufacture, servicing, and/or disposal of RAC equipment. In standardized baselines, quantification of GHG emissions for any given project using the same protocol are determined using the same emissions factors, calculation methodologies, and assumptions relating to conservativeness. • EF (Emission factor) is the quantity of GHG emissions per every unit of activity data; • OF is Oxidation Factor in the combustion process; • GWP is Global Warming Potential (IPCC, 4AR): 1 for CO 2; 25 for CH 4 and 298 for N 2 O. 2.5 The Greenhouse Gas Protocol: A Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard by World Resources Institute (WRI) [5] ... UNEP relies upon its own emission factors for GHG calculation, for example, for natural gas it uses 0.0002020 tCO2/kWh (thus GJ or m3 units should be converted to ekWh or kWh) and for electricity, it uses 0.000163 tCO2/kWh. Required data include the quantities of gas that have been both consumed in wafer production and destroyed using abatement technologies, and the number of wafers produced by size. This document contains the emission factors embedded in the cross-sector calculation tools listed in this section. GHG inventory protocol that would ensure consistency a cross the state while also preserving the priority of GHG emission source assessment of sectors critical and important to the various regions. Data transparency – what metadata is provided for each dataset? GHG emissions factors have been sourced from source including the Defra/ BEIS Conversion Factors 2019 which are widely accepted industry specific and government sources. ENVIRONMENTAL SPOTLIGHT A GREENER COMMUTE. This creates a singular approach to determine the baseline scenario that all project proponents using the protocol must follow. 2. This tool requires data only on annual cement production. The tool also calculates any emissions reductions associated with the use of emissions control technologies. Consolidating Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions Data Up until 2018, we reported our greenhouse gas emissions using the operational control approach. Scope 3 Inventory Guidance. Companies should consult GHG Protocol’s Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard for guidance on the entire inventory development process. The GHG emission conversion factors were selected from different sources to better accommodate the data available and to provide a closer approximation of the related GHG emissions. Provided in the "Compilation and accounting data" section of the UNFCCC GHG Data page. 2018 GOVERNMENT GHG CONVERSION FACTORS FOR COMPANY REPORTING Methodology paper for emission factors: final report . While a formal GHG Protocol document The tool offers three methods: A sales based approach for manufacturers and users; a life cycle stage approach for users; and a basic screening approach that is intended to help companies gauge whether or not their emissions merit the use of one of the other, more advanced methods. DEFRA no longer provide international emission factors and refer visitors to the IEA who provide free highlights and paid for details covering Scope 1 and 2. for BHP, emissions from fuel consumed by haul trucks at our mine sites). Thank you in advance. Overview of scopes and emissions across a value chain (GHG Protocol - Corporate Value Chain (Scope 3) Accounting and Reporting Standard, World Resources Institute and World Business Council for Sustainable Development) 6 Greenhouse gas (GHG) inventory and management plan 2019–2020 Scope 1 GHG emissions 1.1 Natural gas – tenant Activity data Background: EPA sites which consume natural … 2011 Guidelines to Defra / DECC‘s GHG Conversion Factors for Company Reporting: Methodology Paper for Emission Factors Page 5 of 102 I. The final factors are available in the Supply Chain Emission Factors for US Industries and Commodities dataset. U.S.A. WBCSD 4. EFDB – Emission Factor Database HANDBOOK ON . The GHG Protocol’s Corporate Standard provides U.S.A. WBCSD Learn the answers to some of the most commonly asked questions regarding the GHG Protocol’s GHG accounting tools. Summary Name of source IPCC Emissions Factor Database Provider Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change ... GHG Protocol: GreenHouse Gas Protocol. The “Built on GHG Protocol” mark recognizes tools and guidance that are in conformance with a GHG Protocol standard. Emission factors used from US-EPA Climate Leadership Emissions Factors for Greenhouse Gas Inventories and market based factors where available; otherwise, location-based emission factors were used. These tools are principally designed for the specific sector or industry listed, though they may be applicable to other situations. This tool helps countries and cities estimate the greenhouse gas effect of policies and actions. Be diligent in selecting and applying emission factors. This NYGHG Protocol Group collaborated for seven months on the NYGHG Protocol. We recently launched the GHG Emissions Calculation Tool is a free, Excel-based tool from Greenhouse Gas Protocol and WRI that helps companies estimate their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions based on the GHG Protocol. extend upon the GHG Protocol to align more closely with EPA-specific GHG calculation methodologies and emission factors, and to support the Center’s GHG management tools and its Climate Leadership Awards initiative. Both allow the emissions reductions associated with the use of emissions control technologies to be calculated. below for … To help us improve this free resource, please share your feedback on this tool with us in this brief survey. Switzerland, The Partnership for Carbon Accounting Financials, Estimating and Reporting Avoided Emissions, Corporate Value Chain (Scope 3) Standard Online Course, Product Life Cycle Standard Online Course, Global Covenant of Mayors Online Training, Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standar, Download GHG Emissions Calculation Tool.xlsx, International Council of Forest and Paper Associations. The current electricity supply contracts are with coal and natural gas powered suppliers, and therefore the emissions … Compilation and accounting data. Direct emissions are those generated from sources that are owned by the company. The GPC Protocol has been adopted by the Global Covenant of Mayors—an agreement led by community 6 1 Emissions of N 2 O, CH 4, HFC and SF 6 have been translated into CO 2 emissions using the Global Warming Potential, or GWP, factor. Activity data, according to their physical origin, are taken from: • Fuel gauge meters’ records We were fortunate to have the opportunity to meet with Singularity, an award-winning Harvard spinoff that offers an AI-powered energy management platform incorporating real-time CO2 signals from the grid into the optimization of energy resources. Scope 3 emissions are the result of activities from assets not owned or controlled by the reporting organization, but that the organization indirectly impacts in its value chain. This tool is currently available as a beta version. 5-5 Default Carbon Dioxide Emission Factors for Coal 25 5-6 Default Methane and Nitrous Oxide Emission Factors for Coal 25 5-7 Other Emission Factors 26 5-8 Fuel Oil Default Density Values 26 6.0 General Stationary Fuel Combustion (WCI.020) 27 6.1 Source category definition 27 6.2 Greenhouse Gas Reporting Requirements 27 WRI The conversion factors are for use by UK and international organisations to report on 2020 greenhouse gas emissions. • WRI GHG Protocol Emission Factor from Cross Sector Tools (August 2012), Table 11: CH4 and N2O Emission Factors by Fuel . An accurate and useful inventory can only be developed after careful attention to quality control issues and to the activity data required. • Conversion factors • References An example of some of the key activities, responsibilities, and issues associated with building a reliable GHG inventory from a corporate GHG emission inventory protocol is illustrated in Figure 1 below. This excel file includes 10 sheets with a set of carbon emission factors for electricity and electricity/heat generation. 18.2.15 In line with ‘The GHG Protocol’ (WRI & WBCSD, 2015), the seven Kyoto Protocol GHGs have been considered when reporting emissions, specifically: The Greenhouse Gas Protocol — 390 — 370 — 350 — 330 — 310 — 290 — 270 ppm Year: 1000 1500 2000 WORLD RESOURCES INSTITUTE. Case Postale 2075 CH-1211, Geneva 1 Scope 3 emissions For further information on the calculation of Scope 2 emissions, please see the GHG Protocol Scope 2 Guidance (WRI, 2015). These GHG calculation tools have been customized for particular developing countries. Greenhouse Gas Protocol – A Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard (Revised Edition) and has been used to report Bell’s GHG emissions to the CDP (previously known as the Carbon Disclosure Project) and other corporate disclosures. The Nitric acid tool allows the N2O emissions from nitric acid production to be estimated. It requires data on the quantities of the different lime types produced. Greenhouse Gases Included The greenhouse gases C02, CH4, and N20 are all emitted during the combustion of fossil fuels in mobile sources. The final factors are available in the Supply Chain Emission Factors for US Industries and Commodities dataset. Case Postale 2075 CH-1211, Geneva 1 HFC (hydrofluorocarbons) are calculated … Washington, D.C. 20002 WRI Our responsibility Our responsibility is to express limited assurance conclusion on the GHG Statement based on the evidence we have obtained. These units agree with the thresholds established by the Tailoring Rule requirements for determining permit The CSI tool is for estimating GHG emissions from cement manufacture. The Semiconductor tool calculates the PFC emissions from semi-conductor wafer production. The Pulp and Paper tool offers a collection of tools that cover the emission sources typically associated with a pulp and paper plant. The TFI has produced several methodology reports, starting with a set of guidelines in 1994. accordance with the Greenhouse Gas Protocol: ... used to determine emissions factors and the values needed to combine emissions of different gases. The National Greenhouse Accounts (NGA) Factors provide methods that help companies and individuals estimate greenhouse gas emissions. UNFCCC data on activity data and implied emission factors. EPA currently provides certain scope 3 emission factors. (Sheet CO2 KWH ELE & HEAT) Data required emissions scopes the GHG emissions the specific sector or industry,! International Council of Forest and paper Associations and the GHG emissions associated with the use of emissions technologies... Of reasons 1 emissions are direct GHG emissions are those generated from that! Of carbon emission factors for company reporting methodology paper for emission factors final! Inventory that are in conformance with a set of guidelines in 1994 guidance. 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