The election took place during the time of the Mexican Revolution and World War I. Learn how your comment data is processed. However, the world was a different place. A complete study of an election would demand a thorough consideration of all these elements that I have men­ tioned and even more. Democrats: Woodrow Wilson had successfully kept the United States our o World War I. Its members had returned to their previous party affiliations. Woodrow Wilson was the only person other than James Knox Polk to win a presidential election but not win his home and birth state. A selection of articles on the 1916 presidential election includes: "Hughes Accepts," The Tacoma Times. The result was the closest electoral victory in United States history. Wilson’s position was probably critical in winning the Western states. Election of 1916 and World War I. Image: Library of Congress, In the first posed photo after his major stroke some nine months before, President Wilson is shown in June 1920 seated at desk in the White House with his wife, Edith Bolling Galt Wilson, standing at his side and steadying a document as her husband signs. Each candidate would have to take a stance on the issue. ... World War 1 Timeline – 1917. The election took place during the Mexican Revolution and World War 1. Because of its overwhelming popularity, the image was later adapted for use in World War II. For all his protestations of neutrality, Wilson was unable to forestall the entry of the United States into World War I and asked Congress for a declaration of war on April 2, 1917. The early election results caused many to erroneously call the election for Hughes. The presidential election of 1916 occurred at a time when most Americans, while supporting the Allied forces, wanted to remain neutral in the ongoing European conflict. Woodrow Wilson hoped not to spend too much presidential time on foreign affairs. By 1916, the Progressive Party had ceased to exist. One new law prohibited child labor; another limited railroad workers to an eight-hour day. The previous presidential election of 1912 was unusual in American politics in that it was fought between four different candidates and this trend impacted the nomination process for 1916. This site allows you to search and view millions of historic American newspaper pages from 1789-1924. Copyright © 2021 The History Junkie | Bamboo on Trellis Framework by Mediavine, Presidential Election of 1912 Facts and Outcome, Presidential Election of 1920 Facts and Outcome, Penobscot Indian Tribe Facts and History for Kids, Democrats: Woodrow Wilson and Vice President Thomas R. Marshall, Republicans: Charles Evans Hughes and Vice President Charles W. Fairbanks. Another burst of legislation followed in 1916. Charles Evans Hughes insisted on downplaying the war issue. Search this collection to find newspaper articles about the presidential election of 1916. On October 11, the Fivethirtyeight blog predicted starkly different outcomes of the 2016 US presidential election if only men voted versus if only women voted. He loathed President Wilson and believed he was being bullied by the Germans. To many Americans he was still seen as a man of peace whereas his opponent, Charles Evans Hughes, was seen as a warmonger. With Wilson having successfully pressured the Germans to suspend unrestricted submarine warfare, it was difficult for Hughes to attack Wilson’s peace platform. However, as the final counts emerged it became clear that California would decide the election. Political History, Presidents of the United States. Hughes argued that this would hurt business. In 1912, Woodrow Wilson, a Democrat, had been elected president in spite of the fact that more people voted against him than for him. The U.S.A. remained neutral through the second year of the war, 1915, even after one hundred and twenty-eight Americans died during the German attack on the passenger ship Lusitania. Although the United States had not officially entered the war and had declared a neutral status, the public opinion was in favor of the allies. Presidential election 1916 Published at November 3, 2016. On November 7th, 1916, Wilson won the presidential election. He narrowly won re-election in the 1916 United States presidential election, boasting how he kept the nation out of wars in Europe and Mexico. Woodrow Wilson's second inauguration, March 5, 1917. This was something that many in America appreciated. War entry factor was the major battle ground for whoever was to win. Hughes also attacked Wilson’s stance on labor laws which would reduce the workday to 8 hours a day. Republicans: Theodore Roosevelt played another important role in the election. America had stayed neutral and out of European affairs since its inception. When Hughes in 1916 claimed the US was living in a "fool's paradise" and needed higher tariffs to counter a flood of imports from Europe once the war ended, he got little response because he was in effect conceding that for now the economy was prosperous. Correspondingly, who was the American president during ww1 What was his campaign slogan in 1916? Election Surprises – Woodrow Wilson’s Re-Election. why did Wilson travel around the country giving speeches in 1919 He wanted to drum up support for his version of the war treaty. This sparked many reactions, including the trending of the hashtag #repealthe19th on Twitter. In order to complete the graphic organizer, fill in the boxes under these terms explaining: Identify the term on top of the box - explain what the term or event on top of … The election took place during the Mexican Revolution and World War 1. There were four main causes of World War I: militarism, alliances, imperialism and nationalism. "19 The main issue for Irish Americans during the summer of 1916 was the The first world war was a direct result of these four main causes, but it was triggered by the assassination of the Austrian archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife. Woodrow Wilson had easily won the Election of 1912 but would find the road much tougher in the Presidential Election of 1916. The presidential election of 1916 was one of the most controversial in American history. In order to complete the graphic organizer, fill in the boxes under these terms explaining: Identify the term on top of the box - explain what the term or event on top of the box means or was A description of how the term or event above the box led to the US entry to WWI Effects: The effects of WWI … For the first three years of World War I, the United States tried to remain neutral and broker peace. Wilson and the Election of 1916 61 loyalty of Democratic Irish Americans, "who have been for two genera-tions the mainstay of the party everywhere except in the South, and without whose loyal and energetic support it has never yet won, and never can win a Presidential election. Wilson was the Democratic candidate, while Charles Evan Hughes ran on the Republican ticket. Wilson spent the next few months trying to set up a way in which America could lead peace negotiations that would end the war. The Democrats built their campaign around the slogan, “He Kept Us Out of War,” says a Republican victory would mean war with both Mexico and Germany. Woodrow Wilson became the first Democratic president since Andrew Jackson to be elected to two consecutive terms of office when he defeated Supreme Court Justice Charles Evans Hughes in the 1916 Presidential Election. James Monroe: "Era of Good Feeling" and the Monroe Doctine, Reconstruction and President Johnson Impeachment, Vietnam: Kennedy Administration and Intervention, Vietnam: Escalation and Johnson Administration, Vietnam: Nixon, Ford and the Fall of South Vietnam, Internet Archives and Special Collections, Official photograph of Wilson as president Image: Library of Congress, This portrait of "Uncle Sam, originally published as the cover for the July 6, 1916, issue of Leslie's Weekly and created by James Montgomery Flagg, was reproduced on four million posters printed between 1917 and 1918. Woodrow Wilson, a leader of the Progressive Movement, was the 28th President of the United States (1913-1921). By virtue of this legislation and the slogan “he kept us out of war,” Wilson narrowly won re-election. Wilson also had his own problems in … At the outbreak of World War I in 1914, the U.S. declared neutrality as Wilson tried to negotiate a peace between the Allied and Central Powers. The Ultimate American Presidential Election Book: Every Presidential Election in American History (1788-2020) is now available! That was the goal of President Woodrow Wilson. the Republican candidate for president in 1916 was Charles Evans Hughes However, the tensions were growing higher and German actions against American Merchant vessels were beginning to cause issues with his popularity. The main issue facing both candidates was In seeking re-election in 1916, Woodrow Wilson had the advantage of incumbency, but lacked the benefit of the split among the Republicans which had largely secured election to his first term in 1912. Causes: The causes of the United States entering WWI are labelled as: Zimmerman Telegram, Presidential Election of 1916, British Blockade, Lusitania, Unrestricted. In the presidential election of 1916, Woodrow Wilson: used the campaign slogan "he kept us out of war" ... (Paris), France What: The peace treaty that ended WWI and made reparation requirements of Germany. Image: Library of Congress, James Monroe: "Era of Good Feeling" and Monroe Doctrine, Reconstruction and Impeachment of President Johnson, Depression and 1932 Election of Franklin D. Roosevelt, Vietnam: Johnson Administration and Escalation, Vietnam: Nixon, Ford and Fall of South Vietnam, Watergate Scandal and Resignation of President Nixon, Woodrow Wilson, Second Inaugural Address, March 5, 1917, President Wilson Suffers a Stroke, 1919, Eyewitness to, Woodrow Wilson Presidential Library & Museum, Presidential Election of 1912 (lesson plan), Woodrow Wilson: Prophet of Peace (lesson plan), Teaching With Documents: Political Cartoons Illustrating Progressivism and the Election of 1912, Woodrow Wilson, "The Pueblo Speech" (25 September 1919) (teaching and learning materials), Voices of Democracy, The U.S. Oratory Project. Hughes, the Republican candidate, was … Pres. In the Presidential Election of 1916, President Woodrow Wilson narrowly won reelection. However, in this study we would like to concentrate upon only one of these elements in the 1916 elec­ tion, namely, the issues involved, especially from the time of the conventions to the election. The election pitted Woodrow Wilson, the incumbent against Charles E Hughes and the socialist presidential … He advocated a program of greater mobilization and preparedness. Posted on Last updated: April 29, 2020 By: Author Russell Yost, Categories Political History, Presidents of the United States. After nominated Charles Evans Hughes, the Republican took a more pro-war stance and tried to brand Wilson as an anti-war candidate and they would try to make him appear weak. Crusade For Reform: Tariffs, Banking, and Anti-Trust Regulations America entered the  World War I on account of sympathy. World War I or the Great War had got a major influence on the American presidential election of 1916. Causes: - Each stu dent is responsible for 1 cause The causes of the United States entering WWI are labelled as: (1) Zimmerman Telegram, (2)Presidential Election of 1916, (3)British Blockade, (4)Lusitania, (5)Unrestricted Submarine Warfare . Submarine Warfare. 27 April: Field Marshal Lord Kitchener, the British Secretary of State for War, asks for US military participation in Europe. Woodrow Wilson had easily won the Election of 1912 but would find the road much tougher in the Presidential Election of 1916. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Vice President Thomas Marshall was the first vice president elected to a second term since John C. Calhoun in the election of 1828. This had been the advice of George Washington in his farewell address and all presidents since had honored that advice. California fell to Woodrow Wilson who won re-election. Although the United States had not officially entered the war and had declared a neutral status, the public opinion was in favor of the allies. Instead, Hughes criticized Wilson’s military interventions in Mexico, where the U.S. was supporting various factions in the Mexican civil war. Woodrow Wilson tapped into this sentiment with the campaign slogan, “He kept us out of war.” The Republican Party nominated Supreme Court Justice Charles Evans Hughes. US President Wilson publicly calls for the Germans to stop their submarine policy of sinking all ships in enemy waters without warning. World War 1 Timeline – 1916 by Ben Johnson. (Tacoma, Wash.), June 10, 1916.